About Us

The Nigerian Canadian Association of Fort McMurray [NCAFM] was formed in early 2007 to promote the image of Nigeria and her cultural values. It provides a common interface between the Associations members and the general society, and seeks to promote friendship and mutual understanding between Nigerians and other people residing in Fort McMurray.

Membership is open to all Nigerians and others who reside primarily in the city, and who agree to abide by the Association’s By-Law.​


The Association began with a small group of Nigerians seeking to accomplish the afore-mentioned objectives. Membership has since grown rapidly, due primarily to an increase in the number of Nigerians coming to work in Fort McMurray.

The Association is governed by an elected seven-person executive council that reports to the General Assembly from time to time and is guided by the Association’s By-Law and objectives. Using financial and human resources within its reach, the Association provides support and services to its members through the: